Vodka and Fireworks
The 4th was great this year, from what I can remember of it. 24 Symphony celebrated the birth of the nation properly, with a bbq on the deck and lots of alcohol. Sweet Girl’s sister from Cali is staying with us for a while until she finds a place and job here in the city. Seems everyone is in a transitional phase of their lives-and what better way to numb the pain of not having a plan or any idea really, as to what it is that you’re going to be doing with your life, than partying 24 Symphony style.Last year International Girl and I made the plan to go to the Esplanade for the 4th like every good Bostonian does at one point during their residence here. The plan went down the night before around midnight during a round of tequila shots after countless drinks at a party with the crew over in West.
After hitting the Boylston bars circa Summer ‘04 style, we made it home in time to catch a few hours sleep before I, still drunk, made it down to the Charles for one long ass day of waiting out for the concert and fireworks at the Hatch Shell.
International Girl showed up an hour after I got there bringing sustenance and a fitted sheet. I believe the people around us laughed as the conversation between us when she showed up went something like this:
Classic Girl (sobering): what is that?
International Girl(still drunk): Umm, a sheet to sit on?
CG: No dear, that’s a fitted sheet. Only a 2 year old child can fit on that.
IG (after attempting to lay it down on the lawn): Shit.
CG: (dying of laughter): You brought...a fitted sheet?! What the hell are we supposed to do with a fitted sheet!?
IG: (also dying of laughter): I have no idea! We’re complete and total amateurs!
CG: Complete and total is the understatement of the century.
So this 4th was less sitting-out-in-the-sun and more of a drinking-vodka-all-day-and-then- watching-the-fireworks-from-the-Mass-Ave.-Bridge. Kinsey showed up with his parents at one point representing PCP with Jesse (shout out). I know I talked to Kinsey’s parents for a while, about what, who can really say. But they were really chill and I think they were into the 24 Symph vibe and hopefully didn’t judge my semi-drunken state.
The fireworks were great of course, far better than last year. Not that you can really go wrong with fireworks. Generally speaking they’re pretty great and make you want to shout things like "Wow, I love America." That is, of course, until some total drunken asshole knocks into you and tells you to f-off in a mad dash to get to the porta potties. What a family killer.
In the end, International Girl was sorely missed this year and it just wasn’t the same without her. Fitted sheet and all.
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