Sarah Hull Dropped the Ball, And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt
Isn’t it amazing how you can spend so much time on something, invest time, energy and effort on a daily basis and someone who is incapable comes along and ruins it all? So I guess I’m a little upset about the fact that the last three days have been a huge trash bucket because I’ve been working on this book for work and Sarah Hull, the field editor, is a huge idiot and now the whole thing has been cancelled. So, all of this has lead me to realize I’ve spent a lot of time on something, that in the end, amounted to nothing but wasted time and ample frustration and a useless text book. The journey’s the thing, right? Well, I hate Sarah Hull. And I didn’t get a T-shirt either. However I’m thinking of making one and wearing it to the office in protest.On a lighter note, the power at 24 Symphony is back. The storm of the century on Monday night knocked us out for a solid day, rotting everything in our fridge and throwing us into darkness. It wasn’t until midnight last night did we finally get power back. After sitting in darkness for a while last night I decided to relocate to Starbucks to write for about 2.5 hours. I returned highly caffeinated (after being kicked out at 10) unable to sleep, and lit as many candles as possible-a bit of a fire hazard, I know. But boy am I glad the power is back.
It’s amazing how much you realize you need something when you’re faced with losing it.
It’s like at work, how I’m losing my mind. I figure I really need that, my sanity I mean. But I guess life is like one huge pile of projects. You spend time on things, you invest a lot into them, different aspects of your life, like your job, friends, relationships- all in an attempt to find happiness, to find success. You can do everything right, you can be the best version of yourself and still, inevitably, someone will drop the ball. They’ll leave, or do something stupid, canceling all your hard work, leaving you sitting there wondering: what the!?
But I’m over Sarah Hull. She can lose her job.
And besides, International Girl is here in Boston (holla!), and I have a feeling, that after tonight, I won’t remember or care about any of this tomorrow anyway.
3 Comments: wont be happy to hear the power is back out...
Wow sorry about your fritzing power. But more importantly whoever Sarah Hull is, yes she should lose her job. Sucks that you invested so much time and energy into a project for them to say, "JK!" That's the working world though. As unfortunate as that is. Good luck on the electricity!
As Classy Girl so humorously illustrates how one’s immense efforts can be trampled by a sole nonentity’s possession of stupidity and/or ineptitude, I too know the frustrations of the effects of others’ actions on one’s own hopeful prospective outcomes. I will not bore you with the details of my aggravated occurrences. I will leave that task to the witty, entertaining, and sometimes discouraged girls of Dirty Water, Drama City.
The “you don’t know what you have until it’s gone” cliché, though painfully overused, does in fact pertain to Classy Girl’s situation at the moment given her current state-of-mind (both complete frustration with her work environment and the increasing feeling of atrophy of her intellect as a result of the mind-numbing tasks cleverly worded in our official job description).
Basically, Sarah Hull is a trash bucket and deserves a humorously lyric-ed tee-shirt created in her obtusely-minded honor.
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