Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Strangers With Candy

Halloween is coming up, and I have to say I’ve always hated the holiday. I guess I never understood the point as a child when my mom used to make my sister and myself costumes (I still don’t know how she did it). Even as a huge yellow bumblebee equipped with black pipe cleaners as antennae, I didn’t get why we had to walk all over the place in the dark and knock on stranger’s doors (after always being told not to) for things my parents never usually got us on their own. And that’s not even taking into account the time my parents spent checking what we acquired for razors and drugs once we emptied our orange plastic pumpkins onto the kitchen table, awaiting the opportunity to ruin our carefully cared for teeth.

Now as the halls of my Elementary school have long since faded from memory, people are still dressing up for this holiday that I still don’t understand. I guess now it’s more like, "who can dress up as a character and make it look the sexiest." Sexy nurse, sexy doctor, sexy cowboy, sexy maid, sexy bumblebee…wait. These aren’t even scary costumes. Not that my famously huge bumblebee was all that scary. But I think seeing 6-year-old-me running towards you, one blur of yellow and black stuffed with tissue paper after 10 chocolate bars, you might feel a small amount of fear kick in. Or, if you’re like Kinsey, who has a vivid childhood memory of swallowing a bumblebee by accident, the image could throw you into an epileptic seizure.

I digress. Halloween, for adults, is the chance to let your inner freak side show without anyone having to think twice about it. You get away with, for one night, being your weird self without having to hide it behind the usual boundaries that societal etiquette has placed against your wanting to dress up like sexy health care professional. Candy is replaced with alcoholic beverages and while strangers and drugs are still typically involved, I still can't help but feel, in the end, that Halloween, like Trix, is for kids.

So, best-costume-contests aside, this year I’ll be going as myself, which, I know, can be pretty scary in its own right. However after the glory of my elementary school costume days, I’d just as soon leave on a high note anyway.


At 3:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was absolutely hilarious.

At 8:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember that costume! you looked adorable!

At 6:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate Halloween too, but i do love Trix. sorry.


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